Benefits of Chi Machine


 There are a lot of factors responsible for ensuring a healthy lifestyle, and the list would be incomplete without 'exercise.' As much as everyone talks about the importance of keeping fit, very few individuals actually know what that entails, and it is therefore not surprising when people wrongly assume that exercise is only meant for people who wish to lose weight.  

Essentially, physical activities affect every system in the body and without actively engaging your body, you increase the risks of weight gain, chronic diseases, and discomfort. Exercise not only helps to reduce the prevalence of pain and aches in certain body parts, but it also helps to increase blood flow, build endurance, delay aging, improve both physical and mental wellbeing, and enhance the function of internal body organs.  

With a consciousness of the great importance of exercise, several right-thinking individuals have over time, created a variety of exercise machines suited for different body types, according to the user's requirements and discretion. One of these is the Chi machine, a Japanese invention that has existed for over three decades. 

What is the Chi Machine


Invented in the late 1980s, the Chi machine is an exercise machine of Japanese origin, developed and manufactured by Keiichi Ohashi, an engineer and President of Skylite Industry. Initially, the machine was known as Sun Harmony but later changed to Sun Ancon, a name which it has continued to answer till date.  

The Chi machine was designed and is best suited for passive aerobic exercise, a form of exercise which basically involves applying constant movement and pressure to parts of the body through an outside force which may be another individual or a motion machine. During this form of low impact exercise, oxygen is metabolized to produce energy which is dispersed to all parts of the body. 

The Chi machine is not as bulky as regular exercise machines but is about the size of a large briefcase. It also has padded ankle supports that oscillate back and forth. Minimal effort is required to use the machine; all you have to do is lie on your back with your ankles propped on the machine supports. The machine then sways your legs back and forth at a set speed, mimicking the Japanese martial arts move known as “the goldfish”. 

Very little effort is required to use the Chi machine, and this makes it a good option for individuals who dislike vigorous physical activity, individuals who are weak and sickly, those who dislike the stuffy atmosphere at the gym and even those who like to exercise but never seem to have enough time to do so. It also allows you to exercise without the risk of sustaining injuries. 

Cited From Product Reviewer on Youtube

Benefits of Chi Machines

Since the introduction of the Chi machine, several claims have been made concerning the benefits it brings to the body, some of which include; 

  • Improved Blood Flow 

Staying sedentary for long periods of time can impair the flow of blood from the legs to the feet. The goldfish motions of the Chi machine help to stimulate the legs and feet, thereby increasing blood circulation to the lower half of the body. 

  • Weight Loss 

Weight loss is actually one of the major benefits of exercising, so it stands to reason that the Chi machine would offer the same option. It is interesting to note that exercising with this machine can allow you to burn as many calories as you would while walking, and this is especially beneficial for individuals with limited mobility. 

  • Reduced Leg and Back Pain/Swelling 

By stimulating blood flow in the lower parts of the body, the Chi machine can effectively loosen up stiff joints and muscles of the legs and lower back. This effect has the added advantage of reducing any form of pressure or swelling in the lower part of the body.  

  • Enhanced Lymphatic Function 

    The lymphatic system is responsible for cleansing the body of toxins and other waste materials, and it performs this function by circulating a fluid called lymph, which contains white blood cells, around the body. The Chi Machine can help in improving this function by enhancing circulation and thereby aiding the detoxification process.  

  • Improved Performance 

    A good option for athletes, dancers, and exercise enthusiasts, the Chi machine can be used as a warm-up tool to get the blood flowing and provide increased oxygen before you get down to business. It could also be used to cool down aching feet and leg muscles after a particularly rigorous routine.  

  • Stress Reduction 

    There is nothing as calming as a massage, and the soothing goldfish motions of this machine can help to relax tensed muscles and reduce stress in the body.  

  • Suitable For the Physically Challenged 

    The Chi machine is designed to run a low impact operation, hence, it can be helpful to the bedridden, physically challenged, and aged individuals who cannot be involved in vigorous physical activities due to their physical limitations.  

Our Chi Swing Machines 

The good thing about the different types of Chi swing machines is that they cater to the needs of a wide range of people and you only have to choose based on your specific requirements. It should, however, be emphasized that as attractive as the more expensive brands may seem, especially with all their different 'bells and whistles', they may not provide the absolute comfort which you require. It is, therefore, advisable to go for a brand that not only offers the general benefits of a Chi swing machine but also ensures a relaxing and enjoyable experience. 

A good example of a durable yet inexpensive Chi swing machine available in the market is our Vitality Swing. 

Coming with a padded vinyl cradle and a 40-Watt motor for extra strength,  this passive aerobic exercise machine is a unique combination of comfort and durability and promises a seamless experience for Chi swing machine enthusiasts. 


Daiwa Felicity Vitality Swing - USJ-815
Vitality Swing


The Vitality Swing comes with a powerful 40 Watt motor and padded vinyl ankle cradles. It includes a remote control that allows you to adjust the speed or turn the unit on without changing your position. Includes variable speed and an automatic 15-minute shut-off timer. Our line of chi swing machines offers an accessible form of passive exercise, stimulating muscle contractions, boosting oxygen in the blood, and loosening the spine for greater overall health. Chi swing machines are used for people with chronic muscle and nerve pain such as Fibromyalgia, since they stimulate circulation and helps to bring balance to the flow of energy throughout the body.

Daiwa Felicity Swing Master USJ-201
Swing Master


The Swing Master has a sturdy 15 Watt motor and padded vinyl ankle cradles. It includes a remote control that allows you to adjust the speed or turn the unit on without changing your position. Includes variable speed and an automatic 15-minute shut-off timer. The Swing Master offers an accessible passive exercise, creating a gentle swaying motion that can help stimulate muscles, enhance circulation, and promote spine relaxation. Chi swing machines are used for people with chronic muscle and nerve pain, such as Fibromyalgia since they stimulate circulation and help balance energy flow throughout the body.